Thank you.
My name is Joy Nott, and I'm the president of the Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters. Jay and I always joke about the fact that one of the most common questions I'm asked is what the difference is between I.E. Canada and CME. Probably the main difference is the fact that Jay represents manufacturers, I represent importers, and we both represent exporters.
That being said, I.E. Canada, as we're more commonly called for those of you who are not familiar with us, is about 80 years old. One of the things we focus on, unlike other trade associations, is to specialize and focus only on tariff and non-tariff trade barriers and border operations. Unlike other trade associations, including CME, that cover a wide area of advocacy issues on behalf of their members, we're very targeted and very specialized, so the GMAP plays right within our wheelhouse.
The first thing I would have to say about the GMAP overall is that we do applaud the government. All the things I heard Jay say, when I was still connected, about the fact that he's quite happy with this plan, I would echo those general sentiments. First of all, the fact that there is a plan in place.The fact that the plan has a focus to it in many different areas relative to market sectors and specific industry sectors, I think, is something that is obviously needed. You can't achieve anything without focus. So the fact that the plan is there and has a certain core focus to it is very positive and we applaud that.
All of that being said, you heard some of the things Jay had to say relative to some of the challenges out there for business overall. The fact is that supply chains—and I'm sure this isn't news to any of you—are highly complex today and involve importing, exporting, manufacturing, in ways that when I started in this industry 30 years ago, even I couldn't have possibly imagined how complex some of these supply chains would become.
In context of the reality that businesses are facing every day, the one thing I would say I find is a bit lacking with the GMAP is the fact that it tends to be focused on exports, and I get why exports are important. Again alluding to Jay's earlier comments about the economy depends on exports, I get it, and our members get it. But all of that being said, supply chains in a modern company are circular in nature, they are not linear. By that I mean exporters import, importers export, there is manufacturing that happens at various stages along the way in various countries, things are partially manufactured in one country and move on, and a finished good to one particular chain partner is not a finished good at the end of the line. So one of the things we find is lacking with the GMAP is a comprehensive import strategy that directly ties itself to the GMAP.
Currently, import policy is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. Under that same portfolio you have the RCMP and you have prisons. So while Canadians and our members certainly advocate for border security and a safe Canada, and all that sort of thing, and we understand the reasoning as to why CBSA was moved to Public Safety after the events of 9/11—it all makes sense—there's a difference between border security and import policy.
Border security involves all the things people think about when they think about security. Import policy—and I don't mean to sound flip—is people sitting in cubicles at various government agencies coming up with policies that companies that do business in Canada have to deal with.
In a recent report to Minister Fast, the Minister of International Trade—in fact only last week—the small and medium-sized enterprises advisory board that Minister Fast has in place actually put forward a recommendation that border security be uncoupled from import policy and that import policy should sort of find its way closer to something like the GMAP, in fact even maybe look at going so far as moving the import policy piece of CBSA away from the Minister of Public Safety to, perhaps, the Minister of National Revenue or even to the Minister of International Trade.
What we're really advocating for is a holistic view.
There have been many CITT cases in the past few years. There was of course what was in the mainstream media last summer about the iPod tax, the 9948 coalition, the television sets. All of that had to do with the fact that Canada has an import policy and an import regime, and then all this good work that's happening on the GMAP is sort of focusing. Those two things are actually more closely aligned and tied to each other than I think some of this work that's being done currently really gives credit to.
Some of the holistic approaches that we're talking about are the fact that, for example, in the 2013 budget, there was a move to actually modernize the general preferential tariff regime. No one, including our members, is going to argue with the fact that China should be continuing to receive duty relief. There's no argument there. China, despite the fact that by OECD standards it might still be regarded as an emerging economy, no one in Canada, including our members, is arguing with the fact that they are a power to be reckoned with, emerging or not. No one's saying that. However, increasing duty rates on a wide, varied portfolio of products from 72 countries with an 18-month warning in advance is just too short a timeline for supply chains, with their complexity today, to recontract and retool themselves.
Then, in this last federal budget in 2014, there's a consultation on tax planning by multinational enterprises, where the government is asking, amongst other things, what are the impacts of international tax planning by multinational enterprises on others that participate in the Canadian economy.
I guess what I'm trying to say, and in conclusion, is the fact that there needs to be a holistic view of all these things. While I think that this particular GMAP goes a long way further than the previous GMAP to addressing some of those alignment issues, I think that there's a little bit more work that could be done.
With that, I'll make those my concluding remarks. Of course, I'm open to any questions.