In order to illustrate that point, allow me to tell you what “Montreal International Airport U.S.A.”, as they call themselves in Plattsburgh, New York, has as a cost base. They have received a strategic air command base for nothing, so they have a 12,000-foot runway and a tarmac to hold B-52s, for nothing. The State of New York built them a terminal. They don't pay any rent. They don't pay any interest because they don't have to; their capital was given to them. They don't pay any property taxes.
If we—Montreal airport or Halifax airport or other airports in Canada—could operate our businesses on 20% of the costs we are paying, we'd probably be able to reduce our fees to passengers and airlines quite considerably.
There is a big difference between the two regimes. It's a basic philosophical difference.
In Canada, the Canadian government has decided that passenger aviation is user-pay and it's not something that should be charged to the taxpayers.
In the United States, particularly in some of the secondary markets but even in some of the large markets, aviation is seen as a major economic enabler, as a developer, and as an absolute tool in the development of their economies. As a result, it is subsidized. It's as simple as that. If you look at the differences between the two regimes, there are very few, if any, airports that I'm aware of that pay any rent to anybody. In fact, with most of them the money goes the other way. The money is coming from governments to those airports. Their capital programs, even for the largest airports in the United States, are highly subsidized. What it comes down to is a difference in philosophy.
We're not asking—I'm certainly not asking—to go back to a philosophy where we're asking the Canadian government to hand out money to us. What I'd like to see is that it becomes more neutral and that we are not paying over and over again, every year, for assets that were given to us—in our case, 22 years ago—that we've more than overpaid. In fact, if anybody has been to Montreal in the last couple of years, we've redeveloped the entire airport at our own cost, with our own money, but we are still paying a high level of rent on an airport that was basically transferred to us 21 years ago. We paid for that asset long ago.
That's the fundamental thing. I'd like to see us at least get to a neutral position where we're not cashflow negative on those points.