If I go back even a couple of years, essentially competition for foreign investment was viewed as one city competing against the other city. When we had our first meetings, the discussion was, “Now wait a second, the competition to Calgary isn't to Ottawa; it's Houston and the Middle East, etc.”.
When we look at getting a Canada message out—let's just say that we're birds in the nest and we have 11 chirping birds wanting to get that worm—it's much better if we're going on a coordinated message.
You'll see on our website now that we have 11 two-page descriptions of each city. If you look at their comparative advantage, you'll see that we've taken the Invest in Canada primary points about the value of Canada, such as talent, secure financial system, etc., and we've woven it into each of those 11.
For example, Toronto will give a financial stability message. Ottawa will give a message on talent. We're trying to make sure that the Canadian message is the same at the federal level as it is at our individual municipal levels.
On the Invest in Canada website, there is a—