Thank you, committee members.
I provided a fairly lengthy briefing of what I'm going to say, so I'll sort of skip through that.
International Road Dynamics is a small technology company that got started in the 1980s by the three of us. We grew it through R and D to demonstration of our product to commercialization in a very large marketplace called intelligent transportation systems. Basically our systems, our instrumentations, our weigh-in-motion devices help make highways safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly.
There are applications for our business worldwide. We have subsidiaries in the United States, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, India, and China. Some are wholly owned and some are shared with a joint venture partner who's local. To date we've exported to 76 countries worldwide. Ninety-five per cent of our revenues are export. We've delivered over $700 million worth of equipment to customers worldwide.
In my briefing paper I talk a little more about what's happening on the ground. I'm head of the international portion of our business, which is anything offshore of North America. Anything between Canada and the United States we internally describe as our domestic business. That being said, there is a distinct difference between doing business in the United States and Canada, and in the United States and the rest of the world. There are various degrees of differences in different parts of the world. With operations in Chile, we enjoy the business throughout Latin America, and with operations in China and India, we enjoy business in those regions as well.
Over the years, we've taken advantage of and appreciated many of the programs that were targeting exports, such as trade missions. I can't emphasize enough how important those trade missions are. In many countries, being there with a government official is the best endorsement a company can get, just as when I bring overseas buyers into Canada, having a federal or provincial or even city official with us is very important.
We've participated in Team Canada missions. We've participated with Prime Minister Harper in India. It's very good exposure. The assistance it provides, especially for an SME, helps extend a limited budget for exploring and growing markets. When you're in the technology business, a lot of times you don't have a lot of time. If the opportunity is there, you have to get out there.
We really appreciate the work of the consulates and embassies. That's the first phone call I made in 1980, and I continue to make it today. We've worked with ambassadors and commercial officers everywhere we do business, and they are a great help in providing guidance and insight and in getting over the bureaucracy or some of the uniqueness in each of those countries.
I know that the CCC backed off a little bit, but we made use of the CCC, and it made the difference for us in getting a significant job in Saudi Arabia. We didn't have to sign it with the CCC, because once we brought them to the table, the Government of Saudi Arabia accepted our credibility because the Government of Canada was there, and we went ahead without it. We have worked on projects not led by IRD but through other Canadian companies and have used CCC government-to-government contracts.
In the early days, CIDA was very important to us in market studies, the funding to provide those, and the funding to explore markets and find out where there was funding to carry on fairly significant projects. Once again I encourage the activity of the CCC.
I just can't say enough good things about EDC. We would be an American or European company if it weren't for EDC. As I said in our briefing paper, technology is one thing and we had some challenges with technologies early on, but for us, as an export company, it wasn't the technology or the credibility that was the greatest issue, it was financing our exports. In many cases Canadian banks are good but they really don't have the insight into what's happening in international markets. If it weren't for EDC, just because of financing, we probably would have had to sell the company.
So we use all of the EDC programs today to help guarantee our exports, help guarantee our lines of credit, bonding in these countries and, of course, payment guarantees.
That brings us to the fact that all of these programs are really good. We took advantage of them and we appreciate them. They encourage the small SME companies to go into the marketplaces, but business is done differently elsewhere. I heard Argentina mentioned, and I can give you lots of warnings about Argentina, Brazil, India, and China. We have an anti-corruption policy, which I fully support, but that said, it is different in these countries. These countries are experts in getting you into a position where you're at their mercy.
Just to give you an example, an SME goes into a country supported by the Government of Canada, you meet companies and you're greeted and you think they're good companies and you enter into a contract and maybe things aren't as specified as you would like them to be, which is typical in many of these countries. Then it gets to the point where you're trying to deliver, you get into a little bit of trouble, you have to go to the customer to try to get that sorted out, and in the meantime you have a receivable that's coming due from Canadian banks. They're after you after 30, 60, or 90 days, and the payment cycles are different and pretty soon you're at the mercy of the customer, and right away you're then set up for a bribe.
It happens time and time again. I've had it happen in Brazil, India, China, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, you name it; it's out there and it's the way they do business.
I think that's one area I really encourage Foreign Affairs, the embassies, and consulates to get involved. I think they've got to go out and educate the potential customers, the governments, of the challenges that Canadians companies have in doing business and understanding the bureaucracy—but most importantly so that we don't participate in the corrupt ways that business is done in many of these countries.
Embassies and consulates could keep a clean hands list of companies that they know and that are clean and make sure that the government officials know that is the way that Canadian companies are going to do business. That way we can help with avoiding that challenge.
One of the areas in many of these countries, just like in North America, is infrastructure, which is the game that's being played right now as governments worldwide are investing in infrastructure. There are tremendous opportunities for Canadian companies. As I mentioned earlier there's Japan, but there are also many other countries that are very active in supporting their exporters, especially in the infrastructure game—