As I said in my original presentation, the first challenge, if you're dealing with a Canadian bank, is dealing with the payment cycles. Many times the contract isn't as tightly specified as you're used to and you can get into a situation where you have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what the customer wants and trying to get paid. As far as corruption goes, I can't say enough. It doesn't matter where in the world you go, if you get into a situation where you have to go to a customer to ask for any leniency, there's a question of “What can you do for us?”
I encourage the trade commissioners. They're excellent at what they do, they're excellent at finding customers, and they're excellent at making contacts and helping and advising us, but I think they have to go out and deal with the local chambers and make very clear that we expect to be paid as businesses doing business in their country and supplying the best world-class products, as Mr. Hicks mentioned, and we expect there to be no under-the-table payments, which seem to be the norm in many of those countries. That goes right to the highest levels of government, right to ministers. I've been approached to make payments. It's a challenge.