If the TPP were limited to reducing tariffs and trade barriers, I would support it. Unfortunately, it appears to have been co-opted as a convenient mechanism for policy-laundering a wide range of other regulatory changes.
Patents and copyrights are government-granted monopolies introduced to address problems with the free market. We need to ensure that these monopolies are absolutely necessary and that they are as narrow in scope and short in duration as possible while still overcoming the identified market failure. I believe that the TPP agreement in these areas fails this test.
I don't believe that criminal penalties are appropriate for copyright violations, as mandated by article 18.68.
With trade secrets, any increase in penalties for misappropriation, as in article 18.69, decreases the likelihood that a whistle-blower will reveal corporate wrongdoing, and the good of society is likely better served by encouraging whistle-blowing.
In 2009 the Canadian government considered extending the copyright term as in article 18.63 and rightly chose not to. Term extension was also not part of the Canada-EU trade agreement. I'm unaware of any evidence that increased copyright terms result in more, better, or cheaper works. There is considerable evidence, though, that increasing the copyright term results in a decrease in works available to the public and an increase in the prices of those works.
When our Copyright Act was amended to make the circumvention of technological protection measures a violation, the government was careful to include safeguards, but article 18.68.4(a) of the TPP seems to disallow.
Regarding patents, articles 18.46 and 18.48 would increase patent duration, significantly increasing the cost of drugs. Article 18.52 would lock in the eight-year term of exclusivity for biologics, when the need for any protection at all is still unclear and the optimum term has certainly not been identified.
Over the last two decades, Canada has granted ever-increasing monopoly rights for pharmaceutical companies, and their R and D expenditure in Canada has dropped from 11.7% of total sales in 1995 to just 4.4% today. Again, I'm unaware of any evidence that increasing patent duration has a positive effect for society as a whole.
It is, of course, vital to remember that Canada is a net importer of both copyrighted works and patented inventions. Any increases to the scope or duration of these monopoly rights will always be to Canada's disadvantage.
One of the most contentious aspects of the TPP is the investor-state dispute mechanism, ISDS. NAFTA was the first trade deal between developed countries to include an ISDS mechanism. Since it came into force in 1994, we've spent millions defending cases, we've paid out millions in settlements, we've repealed legislation, and we still face billions in claims. Two-thirds of claims against Canada involve changes of environmental protection or resource management.
While it's clear that nothing in the TPP's ISDS mechanism actually prevents Parliament from adopting legislation, it's equally clear that any government would think twice before risking subjecting the country to a multi-billion dollar claim. The presence of ISDS mechanisms and the increasing willingness of foreign corporations to use or threaten to use them act as a chilling effect on the government, making them err on the side of protecting foreign corporations rather than Canadians, particularly as the costs are significant even if the case is won.
With the Eli Lilly case, we have a foreign company effectively trying to use an ISDS challenge to overrule the Supreme Court of Canada, demonstrating that foreign corporations will continue to push the bounds of what can be fought using ISDS mechanisms. It would be extremely unfortunate if we were to ratify the TPP only to see the resulting increase in GDP overshadowed by increased health care costs and ISDS settlement payments.
Finally, it's worth noting that the agreement doesn't come into force until both the U.S. and Japan ratify it. As most of the costs would materialize as soon as enabling legislation is enacted, the benefits would only start when the agreement comes into force. It's clear that it makes no sense to enact any of the TPP until both the U.S. and Japan have done so.