I agree, it's a very complex deal. It's a new deal, but any free trade agreement is complex.
I've been through the exercise. We've gone through nine rounds, 10 rounds with India. Again, trying to meet people and understand what the critical issues are in a negotiation of that matter is confusing even for people who are trade policy experts.
You have to deal with it at the high level. What are the opportunities that it offers Canada across a broad spectrum of areas? If you get into the single lined items and codes, I think that gets way too complicated.
The role of government and the foundation is to basically say where are those areas, where do we want to be as a country five to 10 years from now, and how will this free trade agreement help us get to where we want to go?
We talked about innovation. We talked about productivity as key. It's a fundamental plank in the Liberal platform. You're seeing all sorts of interesting things emerge because of that. If that's the case, then a free trade agreement like the TPP will help Canada move in that direction.
Yes, it's great to lower the tariffs on goods and give us opportunities. Whether it's canola in the west or pork into the Japanese market, if we don't have it, then we'll be at a distinct disadvantage.
These are things that people understand. It's the things that people don't understand. We are becoming more and more of a service industry. We actually export more services than we do goods. People need to understand that. The government should focus on those areas where we want to be five years from now and how we're moving basically not so much our society but our business environment into that direction. It's really critical for us to understand that and it's the role of the foundation and government to explain it.