Thank you for holding the committee hearings here in Saskatoon and providing the opportunity to share our views on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Canpotex and the export of Canadian potash benefits the Canadian government, opens new markets, and encourages freer trade. It will also do this with the TPP.
I'd like to give you a bit of background on our company. I'm confident you won't come across many companies with our wealth of experience in exporting to, and operating in, TPP overseas markets.
Canpotex is one of the world's largest potash exporters. We're one of Canada's largest exporters to the TPP markets overseas. Our company is Canada's largest exporter to Malaysia, where we account for 27% of Canada's exports to that country. We're also Canada's largest exporter to Vietnam and New Zealand, and we're the second largest Canadian exporter to Australia.
Canpotex, on behalf of our shareholders—PotashCorp, Mosaic, and Agrium—markets and delivers approximately 10 million metric tons of Canadian potash each year to approximately 100 customers in 35 different countries.
Saskatchewan is home to the world's largest reserves of high-quality potash. Potash is the key ingredient in fertilizer for crops. It's a completely natural mineral, and there's no synthetic substitute for potash. It is used for industrial purposes such as electronics, plasma TVs, and intravenous drugs, but the vast majority of potash, between 90% and 95%, is used for agricultural purposes. As a fertilizer, potash can help a plant grow, resist drought and disease, and improve the quality of a farmer's crop. For many users of Canpotex potash, including small farmers in developing countries, potash makes food security possible by improving plant health, increasing crop yields, and achieving greater incomes from crops.
While Canpotex employs almost 120 people in Canada, of whom over 100 are here in Saskatchewan, the overseas export of potash accounts for almost 3,000 jobs in Saskatchewan.
In our 44-year history, Canpotex has successfully operated in and sold potash to all 10 of the TPP overseas markets. Potash is in the fortunate position of already being tariff free in the TPP. However, the benefits of the agreement go beyond the question of tariffs. In Canada we're used to a system of government that offers predictability, fairness, transparency, and a high standard of business integrity.
That's not always the case, however, in foreign countries. As a company that operates in 35 different countries, we adhere to Canada's high standards for business integrity in all locations. Agreements like the TPP create a level playing field so that companies like Canpotex can expect clarity and predictability in foreign markets. This way, the bar for integrity is raised for all businesses. There is also value in having a set of agreed-upon rules between countries that include consequences for non-compliance.
I'd like to touch on the key benefits that TPP offers beyond tariffs.
First, transparency provisions in the TPP ensure that the rules businesses must adhere to are easily accessible and up to date. This takes away the guesswork and the opacity involved in seeking out government regulations that could affect a foreign business.
Second, the TPP offers a dispute settlement process that may be more open and accessible to a Canadian company than going through a foreign country's court system. In Canada we have a judicial system that is rigorous and generally well understood. The TPP dispute settlement system, particularly one that's accessible to companies and investors, offers an avenue for resolving problems in a foreign country, using a rigorous, expedited, and rules-based mechanism outside a country's court system.
Third, in some countries state-owned enterprises have a significant influence in their economy. The TPP introduces a high bar to deal with state-owned enterprises competing unfairly with foreign businesses.
For those reasons, Canpotex supports the TPP.