It's a good point.
Agreements like the TPP are all about preferences. What the TPP does is give Canadians preferential treatment in the markets of the other TPP countries. That's what this is all about. It's about preferential treatment, better treatment than countries that aren't members of the TPP get in those markets.
If we are part of the TPP, we will have better treatment in the U.S. market than what we get under the NAFTA. It will be better treatment in the U.S. market—and I'll give you some examples in a moment—than what non-TPP countries get, because it's all about preferences.
If we were not part of the TPP and it entered into force, we would still retain our NAFTA preferences. We would still have preferential treatment in the U.S. market, more than all of the other countries that aren't part of the NAFTA, but we would have lesser preference than the other TPP countries.