Is everybody ready?
We're doing something different today. We are going to hear from the audience. We've heard suggestions and we're trying this out.
Right now our committee is getting responses, and we have close to 12,000 emails. Issues people have or suggestions they have are coming to us.
We're going to try to have an open mike. Right now we have a list of 20 who want to come up to the mike, and that's good. We have about 45 minutes, so we're going to keep you to two minutes each.
We're listening. Our analysts will take your brief if you have one. If you feel that you couldn't express everything in your minute and a half or two minutes, you're welcome to send us, through email, any further comments. What you're saying to us will be in the report. We have your email address and we'll be sending you out a report when we get it done at the end of the year.
This is how I'm going to do it. I'm going say, “mike number one”. As soon as mike number two is done, somebody gets on deck, following back and forth. When it's at a minute and a half, I'm just going to put this up. Then you have a half a minute to wrap up so that somebody else gets a chance.
I want to do it this way so that everybody in the room, the 20 who want to say a few words, can say them. Keep it under two minutes. I don't want to cut you off. I'm just going to put that up so we can go to the next mike.
Right now we have mike number one. This is Nadia Alexan, and then we have Joanne Sherwin. When I call Joanne's name, I will ask you to get ready on deck, and the next mike will be Louis-Joseph Couturier. That's how we'll do it.
We're going to start off with you, Nadia. You're the first one. Go ahead for two minutes.