I thank you for your question because it deals with the main message I want to deliver today. We have to be much more innovative. Internationally, we have to have better strategies than our competitors.
For example, we could act as intermediaries and go into the trenches to meet entrepreneurs to tell them about the various government programs. I have been president of Manufacturiers et Exportateurs du Québec for a year and a half, and I can tell you the only way to have a real dialogue with producers is to go and meet them on their own turf to inform them about all the federal government has to offer. Unfortunately, not enough is known about it in Quebec. Mr. Lebel, who was the minister responsible for Quebec in the previous government, certainly knows what I am talking about.
The whole range of government services needs to be better known, including the already very significant support provided by federal authorities to stimulate exports. In Quebec, for example, I am certain that the CanExport program, which the current government has just renewed, is not at all familiar to most people. It would be a good idea to make it better known.
We also have to make an effort to educate our entrepreneurs so that we can help them to be more ambitious. Perhaps for historical reasons, Quebec is more risk-averse than Ontario or other parts of the country. Our entrepreneurs have to be introduced to that culture. We have to help them to become ambitious. We have to help them to take a longer view.
I believe sincerely that we are just about to get there. The older generation of entrepreneurs is ready to retire. They are going to be giving up their companies soon. Young people are already taking a global view, while current owners are dreaming about retirement, not about innovation and expansion strategies, which cost millions of dollars.
I feel that everything is in place for Manufacturiers et Exportateurs du Québec to act as an intermediary and to go into the field introducing much more ambitious government programs. That is probably a full-time job for the next two years, but we are ready to do it. It is our role, our mandate to go and meet entrepreneurs, to help them take a longer view and to provide them with better support.
I have several suggestions, but—