Sure. I won't name them, but I can give you an example of recent companies that we've met with.
We had one recently speak to management at our organization. It's a tea company. They're tea manufacturers, and they started in their home. Then they started to expand beyond their borders and now they're shipping all over the world.
One example he gave was that they actually had to pull out of selling into Australia because of customs issues and market entry issues. We asked them what the key markets they were looking at were, in terms of growth. They were Chile, Peru, Australia. This is one example of how the provisions in this customs chapter in the agreement can help this already successful company grow even further.
Other organizations that we've helped started in the basement of their company: fine scents, ranging from even gluten-free products and food to a company in Alberta....
The main thing we ask them is what is hindering their success. It's the non-tariff barriers, as we've heard from other witnesses this morning. That's why we place such a strong focus on that.
TPP does certainly reduce tariffs in key markets such as Vietnam and Malaysia, but it's really those non-tariff barriers that are going to help the SMEs grow. It's the non-tariff barriers that cause them to pull back from global trade when they receive that heads up, because they don't have the resources to deal with the issues.