I grew up with media and educators telling me that Canada was a leader in peacekeeping, in human rights, and in environmental stewardship. None of this has ever been as perfect as it was made out to be to children, but I still grew up believing in these values. I feel proud of those values, and I believe that my country believes in upholding them.
The types of provisions in the investor-state provisions and other elements that lower our standards are big concerns to me because of how they can limit our ability to lead at the global level. These are the same sorts of concerns that have been coming up all morning.
Environmental reform is going to require very difficult and tough decisions. They're going to be hard on some industries in the short term. If foreign investors can sue us or try to sue us for the high standards that are needed to lead by example, then politicians are going to hesitate. It's going to be difficult to make the decisions to make that kind of a stand.
Canadians aren't the only citizens who are speaking out right now. From what I can tell, citizens involved in all of these countries are raising the same sorts of concerns. This deal doesn't do good things for any country. It fails to protect their sovereignty and only benefits corporate interests.
Many leaders are watching. They're watching what other countries are doing right now and watching their decision-making processes. This in itself is an opportunity for us to lead, to be able to reject the TPP under the current terms, and to send the message to other nations that it's possible to put that sovereignty first.