Thank you very much.
The Congress of Union Retirees of Canada is an organization representing over 500,000 active members, and CURC has major concerns with the TPP. The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement was negotiated over eight years behind closed doors, with hundreds of corporate advisers, while the public and media were shut out.
The TPP has been promoted as a free trade deal. Ideally trade and economic agreements are meant to stimulate growth and social development, but the TPP is a wide-ranging deal that extends beyond traditional issues of market access.
It would leave tens of thousands of Canadians unemployed; hike prescription drug costs; affect Internet freedoms, environmental standards, and banking regulations; compromise the rights of local and national governments; and undermine trade union rights.
Free trade agreements were meant to usher in mutually beneficial relationships. Statistics Canada recently published year-end trade numbers for 2015 showing another miserable year for Canada's engagement with the global economy. Total merchandise exports fell 0.6%. Non-energy exports showed some growth, but not enough to offset reduced energy exports. Imports swelled by 4.5%, creating the biggest trade deficit in Canadian history. Research by Jim Stanford verifies the Stats Canada study, and proves that free trade deals are not synonymous with promoting trade. The TPP will only add to those problems.
Today 97% of the commercial goods Canada trades in the TPP zone are already duty free. In exchange for a fractional increase in potential market access, Canadians are being asked to give up tens of thousands of jobs in the automotive sector and dairy industries to name just two sectors that would be affected.
The TPP confirms sweeping new powers on transnational investors codified in their right to sue governments in closed arbitration tribunals for any laws, regulations, court decisions, or actions that fail to meet their expectations as investors.
Under similar trade and investment treaties, investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms have been successfully used by corporations to contest the power of government to ban or restrict the production, transport, and waste management of toxic chemicals; to license the management of land and water resources; to set rates for water and electricity services; and to restructure sovereign debt.
The TPP expands the scope for ISDS complaints to financial services, giving transnational investors the right to challenge regulatory measures that fail to meet their expectations or a minimum standard of treatment. It threatens all levels of government to enact laws and regulations for the best interests of the citizens they elected to represent. On this basis alone, the TPP should be rejected.
The TPP is not a trade agreement. It's about entrenching and expanding the power and rights of corporations. CURC is particularly concerned about the health care implications and prescription drug costs if the TPP is ratified. Canadians pay some of the highest drug prices in the world. These costs have implications for access to medications and for the health of patients, especially those living on low incomes.
The Prime Minister's mandate letter to the Health Minister states that the government's overarching goal will be to strengthen their publicly funded universal health care system and ensure that it adapts to new challenges. Health Minister Jane Philpott has promised to co-operate in reducing drug costs with the provinces.
How would this be possible, given that the TPP will lengthen the time that life-saving drugs can be patented by allowing pharmaceutical companies patented term extensions for regulatory delays and by loosening the criteria by which existing pharmaceuticals can be re-patented for new use, the so-called evergreening?
To reinforce CURC's concerns about rising drug costs, Eli Lilly, a U.S. pharmaceutical company, has recently filed a $500-million NAFTA suit against Canada over drug patents.
In April 2016, CURC wrote to Minister Freeland expressing CURC's concerns about the TPP and asked the minister to answer a number of questions.