Chair, I was asking some direct questions regarding the ministers', so I definitely do want them to come forward. Therefore, I have a motion I want to read into the record right now, and we can deal with it later, if you so choose. It reads:
That as part of the committee's study of the Canadian Border Services Agency's Duty Deferral Program as well as issues pertaining to the importance of diafiltered milk and spent fowl into Canada; that this study consist of two further meetings; the first meeting to hear from industry stakeholders; and second meetings to hear from the Ministers of Public Safety, Finance, Agriculture, and International Trade; that these meetings be scheduled no later than August 31, 2016; and that the Committee report its findings to the House.
This is an issue that has been going on for a period of time. Consultations seem to be going on and on. Consultations are being used to defer making a decision. They need to show action on this, and I need to know where the ministers are at on this. I want to know whether this an issue where Agriculture is making recommendations to Finance, and Finance won't budge, or Border Services doesn't have the tools to do the job. We need to know exactly what's going on here.
I'm sorry, but they're not willing to answer because of this confidentiality between them and the ministers, so let's bring the ministers—