Thank you. I will read the following comments by Ann McAllister of Rothesay, New Brunswick, an observer at these proceedings.
While many aspects of the TPP alarm me, I am especially concerned about the damage it could do to locally produced food. Here are some examples.
Because corporations in the TPP must have access to bid on most government contracts, Canada can't give preference to local suppliers or enact “buy local” policies without the spectre of a lawsuit under the investor-state dispute settlement provisions.
Also, the TPP will promote global transnational agriculture instead of locally produced food, with the following consequences. Shipping food to Canada produces higher greenhouse gas emissions than moving food from local producers to local markets. This will worsen climate change. Cheap food from overseas will underprice local producers and push them out of business. Cheap food is made possible by paying low wages to overseas workers, and this exacerbates their poverty. Money paid to global transnationals leaves the local economy. For every dollar spent locally, seven dollars are generated to circulate through the community.
I am also concerned about the potential for recombinant bovine growth hormone to enter the Canadian dairy market from U.S.-produced milk. I fear that Canada could be sued under the ISDS if it tries to keep milk with this hormone out of the Canadian milk supply.
In summary, the TPP will discourage the government's policies promoting and protecting local food production. In the face of climate change, it is imperative that Canada build local food security. For this reason, I urge the government not to ratify the TPP.
Thank you.