Thank you so much for raising those points, because one of the opportunities here with the consultation is beyond and much broader than TPP. It's also about what our Canadian companies require to be prepared to enter into export markets. Where are the gaps? Where has there been a lapse in the last even 20 to 25 years?
When I first started working in trade preparation, we focused heavily on trade missions. We focused on qualifying Canadian companies to go off to the trade missions and the significance of the trade commissioner service, but also helping companies become more aware. It is hard for the companies, as you mentioned, that have fewer than 10 employees, and there is work to be done there.
Regarding Cooke, certainly over the last 30 years, Mr. Young, you have expanded your market for employees. As your company entered into more global markets, expanded, and became more integrated into those markets, how have the types of jobs that you have offered changed? How have the training requirements and the investment in training changed? Looking at the wage increases, we often hear trade agreements are about big business, but certainly every business has to start at some size, and Cooke started off as a small business. We in New Brunswick appreciate that you take an integrative role into our small rural coastal communities.