All right, I'll mention just two things then, quickly.
We're concerned about article 7.1 of the chapter on technical barriers to trade where it says:
Each Party shall allow persons of another Party to participate in the development of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures by its central government bodies on terms no less favourable than those that it accords to its own persons..
We ask, where is the sovereignty?
Finally, we are concerned about the international scene. We're concerned that groups like Médecins Sans Frontières have been warning about the extensions on patents on drugs and what that's going to do all over the world to people who are dying now from curable diseases because they don't have medicines.
I would end by saying that Canada has always been a country that cared about those things, and to sign these trade agreements is going to not only hurt Canadians and our ability to care for our health care system, but it will also have repercussions all over the world, especially for the people in poverty in the global south. It's just not the way to go. For that reason, we cannot support the ratification of the TPP.