There has to be a preamble.
I have to tell you, I get so frustrated when we talk about these things.
I'm going to tell you a story. This is a true story. Back in 2007, I was one of the fortunate ones to go to China, with a group of four. They invited us. It was the first time I had ever gone to China. It was an eye-opener, to say the least.
When we got back, the Chinese embassy contacted me and asked me about the trip. They said they wanted to talk, and I said, “Wonderful. What do you want to talk about?” They said they wanted to talk about the environment. I thought, “Geez, yes, that's a good idea”, because when I got there, I really thought they were burning tires. I thought that was how they heated their homes and everything else. You suddenly realize that this is coal and that this place is badly polluted. So I said, “Sure, that's a great idea. Let's talk about it.” I started talking about it and they said, “No, no. We want to talk about yours.”
They talked about carbon, and how we needed to reduce that—and they are way ahead of us, the carbon footprint and that sort of thing. They did not feel that they should have to participate until at least 2025, and they cited reasons such as that the western economy has polluted. You've probably heard all this stuff. I was shocked. I was just stunned. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
In my first question, I mentioned that there has never been a period of time in the history of the world when a major power hasn't been a major steel producer. We are talking about all this stuff, but I think that, in essence, if we talk about Chinese influence, their hegemony, how they are traversing the globe....
I looked at a number of trade disputes that have come down the pipe. Most of them involve China, but a lot of them involve countries that I know do not produce these products: Oman, Saudi Arabia, Mexico. They are funnelling this stuff into our economy.
I am asking this question of Foreign Affairs. Do you talk about those things? Do you recognize the fact that we have put ourselves in a position where we can no longer be competitive, especially with a country that hasn't even been granted...non-market economy? How are we going to do that? We talk about all these other things: we need to do this; we need to do that.
The fact remains that they burn dirty coal. Every one of their plants.... I've seen them. They have their own energy producers. They can crank this stuff out, and it doesn't even matter if they have to meet the market.... That's my first question.
The second question is, what would a free trade agreement do with a country like China, in the steel industry? Maybe you can just talk to the committee about those two things.