It depends on how these negotiations unfold.
As I said, being part of the trailblazers is a good thing, because you get to have a voice on how the rules are made. Also, we don't exactly know what the process is going to look like. I would say, as my colleagues have already mentioned, timing will be important. It's not just in terms of beating the competitors to it but also in the sense that, as you mentioned, the conditions are right and accessibility is right at this time. It's very difficult to actually put a hard deadline on these types of negotiations. You're seeing it with NAFTA, for example. We set a deadline for December and now there's a new one for March. These things are very complex. It depends on how deep you want to go in the negotiations, the political willingness, and what other dynamics are in the mix. I think it's very difficult to predict. Ideally, it's something that can be done fairly quickly considering much of the legwork has been done with these countries individually. I can foresee this as a fairly short negotiation, hopefully.