I can speak to that to a certain extent.
MAC has developed what's called the towards sustainable mining, TSM, program. It's a corporate social responsibility management system, originally designed for mandatory implementation in the Canadian context. The program has since gained reasonably significant and increasing attention internationally. TSM is a system whereby companies set management systems in place in a variety of areas, such as tailings management, environmental performance, energy and greenhouse gas management, local community engagement, and biodiversity management, and report against the targets they set for themselves, and then are audited by a third party, the results of which are made publicly available. It's an accountable and transparent self-management system, and an award-winning one at that.
In recent years, given the success of towards sustainable mining as a program in Canada, other countries around the world and mining industries in countries around the world have taken keen interest. This year we reached a milestone. It's currently in practice in five countries on five continents. It's in place in Argentina presently. There are a number of other countries that MAC continues to liaise with and continues to provide briefings and information sessions, for them to assess whether this is a standard or a program that they feel is appropriate for them.