As I've mapped out, the agreement does a number of things that drive demand, which is fantastic in terms of North American steel, not just Canadian steel. The agreement also does another thing. We were just talking about investments and the point I wanted to add into the conversation was that the agreement adds a level of certainty that we haven't seen in a while. Certainly in the steel and aluminum tariffs' situation, you understand the challenges we face around certainty.
The agreement really moves us forward in terms of having certainty, which then drives investments, which then drives growth, which then supports the ongoing, strong middle-class jobs that we create in the steel industry in this country. Everything builds off the others. Certainly at the time of the tariffs we were losing investments like crazy, and that's where the support of the government was so critical to maintain that, probably not sufficiently, but we did the best we could to maintain a certain level of movement forward. Some of those investments translated to great production increases. Some of the quality issues you mentioned, etc. Now this agreement takes us forward, especially in terms of the items I've identified and the business certainty that it creates. From my perspective I think that's the most important thing it does.
I hope that addresses your question.