Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for all your testimony today. It's very important as we undertake this tremendously important trade deal for Canada and for my riding of Sault Ste. Marie. We are a steel town but we're also a border town, and a lot of that trade comes right through my riding.
When we talk about the section 232 tariffs, we were on the front line of that battle. We've travelled down to Washington with the trade committee, the industry committee, the steel caucus. The steelworkers, both on the Canadian side and the American side, played a critical role. Our good friend Leo was referenced by many of our American friends down there about lobbying.
One of the things I wanted to ask about was the significant changes we've made to our trade regime over the last five years, including in 2016 the length of time a penalty would remain on a bad player and some consultation. Then there was anticircumvention, antiscoping, etc. The one piece was union participation. Having heard from the steelworkers who testified here at the CIIT hearings—and the representations they made were significant—we won cases because of that particular testimony. I think that was critical.
In particular to your presentation, Ken, how could the steelworkers launch a case successfully, as they've done with union participation?