What I'm referring to in my presentation is the need for Canada to be strategic in this discussion of free trade. What we need to recognize is who we are relative to who the Americans are. We're dealing with the elephant in the room. If Canada just straight-up adopts carbon taxation, which our Prime Minister and our Deputy Prime Minister have acknowledged is not going to accomplish anything for us environmentally, that is only going to cause harm to the competitiveness of our households, our municipalities and our businesses. I believe history has shown that there's a better way, potentially, to solve this environmental challenge.
If it is truly an environmental challenge that we believe society has, if we truly believe it's an existential threat to society, if we were to look back using the acid rain example of an accord between the United States and Canada, and perhaps using the free trade agreement to be able to foster that, great things environmentally were accomplished.
Canada must be competitive. We must look at this from a strategic perspective, and at the end of the day, to hobble our society with taxation that the Americans have no intention of adopting, we're already behind the eight ball in terms of our manufacturers, our municipalities and our households, and quite frankly, society in general. We must look at this in an entirely different way, and I believe it's crucial that we do.