Frankly, I think a lot of people would like to go in the same direction or seize the issue.
The Government of Canada works a lot by sector. We know that 80% of women work in the service sector. Diversifying suppliers is a way of working with all women in all sectors, both services and manufacturing, which is not common.
Sometimes we tend to design initiatives that are so specific that, at the end of the day, they help very few women. Instead, we should focus on much broader initiatives to help as many women as possible. For example, a large sum, say $500,000, will be invested in a business, when the same amount could have been used to help 500 organizations. I think the funds are not allocated properly. More work needs to be done on that.
Let us not forget that there are not a lot of women in the technology sector. The government should invest a lot of time in educational institutions to attract more women to the technology sector. We work mainly with women in the service sector. When they come to us, we do not have a lot of leeway in terms of the direction they have chosen. We need to respect their choices and help them evolve.
The important thing is to help as many women as possible. That is why sector-specific support is a major obstacle to women's growth.