Thank you for the question.
Public health measures are not really our territory to comment on.
What I can tell you is that the numbers provided to you earlier by the CBSA, which said that 99% of air travellers and 94% of land travellers have the app completed, are absolutely false. Those numbers are the percentages completed after we helped them complete with the app. In the Eastern Townships branches, the numbers were closer to 60%, for example. Overall, we're looking at closer to 75% to 80% having it completed.
Essentially, our officers now largely work as IT consultants. You have land borders that have essentially become parking lots, with us helping people complete the app. The biggest fear we have, as well, is that, other than public health measures, the use of this app is going to be expanded beyond those simple questions. Technology.... Again, we've seen the effects of it at airports, as I mentioned, with the PIK kiosks. It greatly reduces our border security and takes an awful lot longer to go through than simply speaking to a border services officer. We can process someone at twice the speed a machine does.
The ArriveCAN app, even were it removed, is just a small part of the problem. Our frontline operations over the years.... Because of this overreliance on technology, our numbers have been greatly reduced. In some ports, we're looking at half the number of frontline officers we had even five or six years ago. Even with the app gone, we are going to be seeing major delays at most of our ports of entry.