I'm sorry. Yes. I'll be a bit quicker.
First of all, welcome. It's great to see so many familiar faces.
The last time we were in session at this committee we were interrupted by an announcement of additional money for financing of $500 million in Ukraine, but also $7.8 million for weapons and armaments. We can't promise that the same will occur in the middle of this meeting, but who knows? Stay tuned.
I do think it's important to just underscore that kind of support. Whether it's renewing Operation Unifier, the $620 million thus far that Ihor mentioned, the lethal armaments that have been supplied or the humanitarian aid, I think it demonstrates a commitment, and you have a lot of strong advocates among all sides of the House for Ukraine.
Very politely and respectfully, Mr. Patzer, in terms of some of the comments you made, I'll agree to disagree with you. I think the entire approach toward the Canada-Ukraine free trade agreement 2.0 is about further liberalizing trade with western nations such as Canada and really helping Ukraine embrace the free market economy. I think that's just something prima facie that Vladimir Putin is not going to be happy with, but so be it. That would be my simple response.
Roman Waschuk, I want to put a question to you because, first of all, I appreciate your service as former ambassador. It's nice to see you again, sir. I appreciated your hospitality when I was able to visit Ukraine in 2018. I appreciated not just the fact that you were there on our behalf as an ambassador, but also some of the things that you were instrumental in terms of opening my eyes about: the omnipresent security and territorial threat of Russian aggression, which I saw in observing the troops on the Maidan and when you helped me tour the Maidan.
Also, you explained to me that there are economic levers we can use to our advantage to further close that gap between our two countries. I remember intense discussions about the film and TV industry, because I was there at the time in my role as parliamentary secretary to the heritage minister.
Can you comment on things such as the film and TV industry co-production agreements or other avenues of economic linkages that you see and that we can embrace via this renegotiation of the agreement?
It's over to you, former ambassador Waschuk.