Thank you for the question. I'm really excited, actually, by this question.
I think that at EDC there was a perception over a number of years, because we kept talking about EDC and the products that it provides. We provide insurance to help make sure people get paid for the exports they make. We also provide financing and capital to actually help the companies.
However, we really have been expanding in the last five years, and one of the most-used products, by 80% of our small business users—because 80% of our customers are small and medium-sized businesses—is our knowledge products. How do they get into markets? We work very closely with the trade commissioner service on providing them tools, guidance and advice on how they export.
BDC has a different mandate, because it's the bank of entrepreneurs; we're very focused on just the exporters. However, we changed our whole organization to actually be structured by small companies, medium-sized companies and large, so that the whole of the EDC team is focused on meeting the needs, which are very different for small companies versus medium, versus large.
With our small companies, we find that products that include our guarantees with their local bank, where we guarantee the working capital for exports, as well as our credit insurance products, are really well used by those companies, because they provide working capital for them, versus very large companies that need a different financial solution.
We've really tried to focus on making sure we understand the needs. We do lots of surveys. We do lots of promoter score surveys as well as checkpoints with them, to make sure we're truly meeting their needs.
I think that, in the small and micro space, it tends to be that they need help to actually build the capability within the company. Often, even some of the questions we ask them help build their understanding of what they will need to do when they go to exports. We're very focused on meeting the needs by different segments.