Absolutely, Madam Chair.
There are a few things that are very interesting to Canadian exporters. One is the presence on the ground, which gives them the visibility and the understanding of how business is done in those markets. The trade commissioner is a very important presence on the ground. Indeed, it's why we want to be there. That's together with the opportunity to identify companies that need specific support in the market itself and help them grow their presence in the region.
Specifically on agriculture, there is such a demand currently in the Indo-Pacific region and in the ASEAN region in particular, as many countries focus on food security. Anything we can do to make it easier to actually import into those countries—particularly agricultural products, because they generally have more regulations associated with them from a health and safety perspective—is incredibly important.
Again, it's about the ease of getting products to the market with the credibility that comes attached to that with the Canadian brand. Having our presence in those countries allows us to work with local authorities, local regulators and local companies to encourage them to import more from Canada.
Recent studies have shown that some of the growth opportunities are in those markets in Vietnam, Bangladesh and other countries that have different standards than Canada. We need to be ready to help our exporters get the products into those markets.