What might be a serious crime? We know that in B.C. there's been serious crime with car theft. That might not be as big an issue in my riding, but maybe in someone else's riding it's cattle theft. The victims--and I think it's important that we don't lose sight of the victims--don't want to see someone who has just stolen their car, stolen their cattle, stolen their property, or in the case of a serious break and enter, being unlawfully in a dwelling house, right back in the community. That would be what I think many of us are hearing, that these are the more serious cases and therefore this person should not be serving the sentence back in the community.
How can we look at this from the victim's perspective? When someone in their dwelling house--you talked about that--has experienced a break and enter, is that not a case where a person needs to feel that justice has been served? I think that sometimes this gets lost in our discussion if we move too quickly to looking at the perpetrator, that sense of whether justice has been served in someone's individual case.