There are a few points in response to your question.
That's a very difficult definitive number to be able to provide. In our analysis to date within slide 12 that you referred to, what we did was take the Bill C-9 Criminal Code listed offences that were at the end of the legislative summary document and we applied them regardless of the type of procedure that was followed to our 2003-04 data. With that application we found that about a third of those who had been awarded a conditional sentence would have been convicted of one of those Bill C-9 offences. Then, in the analysis, again not taking into account the way of procedure, we added to those drug offences--drug trafficking and drug possession offences--to come up with the number of 4,865 persons who would have been either a Bill C-9 listed offence as per the document or a drug offence.
It's important to note, and I mentioned during the presentation, for that 4,865 population we then conducted the analysis we had done throughout the presentation. We looked at guilty pleas and prior conviction history, for example. Once we took into account the prior conviction history and the guilty pleas, we were left with 310 people who did not enter a guilty plea and who had a prior conviction history. Of that 310 we were able to look at the way of procedure, and 110 of those individuals had proceeded by way of summary conviction. We were left with 200 people for whom we really can't speak to any other mitigating factors that may have been in place. We simply don't have any other data. That's the analysis that we have conducted in terms of your question.