You asked me a question, and I'd like to be able to respond. I intend to do that in full. First, I am also disappointed to know that your role in the House of Commons is not as significant as your constituents would believe. I think you are here to get legislation passed, and as you say, to crack down on criminals. I hope you will do that, indeed, because when you did that in Quebec City, in the case of biker gangs, and you enforced harsher laws, it delivered, despite what some people may have had to say.
I would like to see this issue fleshed out. You have different statistics on the types of crimes that are committed. You have some on homicides, some on armed robberies and sexual assaults. Perhaps I will not be able to convince you that the legal system is a revolving door. However if you come with me and travel throughout Canada, you will meet citizens and see that that is actually what they think of the system. They are generally not mistaken.