But I want to stress this: the thing that sparks this debate out there in this huge country to do something with the justice system is when things happen such as in one week, the one week I'll never forget, the one week that the perpetrator kidnapped, you may remember, Melanie Carpenter. The prison guards and the caseworkers phoned me and said he was going to be paroled; this man should never be out; why are they doing it? There was a big argument, but they let him out, and within a short time, Melanie Carpenter was found dead.
The same week, a poacher of an elk went to jail. In the same week, fourteen farmers went to jail for selling their own crops across the border without a permit. In the same week, a five-year-old girl was brutally attacked, her throat was cut, she was raped and was found in a garbage barrel, and it wasn't too long until that person was put on a conditional sentence for one of the worst, most heinous crimes.
Does that not draw a picture to any of you, or to all of you, as to why the public out there has been signing millions of petitions over the last few years? Something has to be done. And if you agree with that statement, then I hope you will understand that this government is determined that we're going to make some significant differences to try to improve the justice system, and Bill C-9, we believe, does.
Unfortunately, discretion of the judges is causing more grief. If you want to hear a comment after a judged case, the comment practically anywhere is “What in the world was that judge thinking of?” Maybe his decision was right and maybe it was wrong, but the people are not genuinely satisfied with leaving it in the hands of a judge. That's the impression I get.
So there are my words, and anything you want to say in regard to what I ask, I'd like you to respond.