The Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness went out to ten sites across Ontario: Belleville, Hamilton, London, Newmarket, Orillia, Ottawa, Peterborough, Sudbury, Toronto, and Windsor. We invited some guests, and some other people just said they were coming too. Anybody who wanted to come would come. There were 150 people, including a variety of front-line criminal justice professionals and including social workers and people on the social side, crime victims, and survivors.
We had note-takers. The focus of our doing this was about potential criminal justice reform. We basically asked folks to tell us what they think is wrong with the system. Where themes were enunciated again and again at all of these sites or most of these sites, they made it into this report.
I'll give you an example so that you can understand how it unfolded. Some people would come and say they thought we should take DNA from everybody at birth because it would be a great crime-fighting mechanism. Well, be that as it may, it's not going to sustain a charter test and it's probably not the right thing to do from a human rights perspective. Others who were more informed said we should take DNA at arrest and maybe embargo it or something until somebody's found guilty. But they said we should get it while we have the alleged offender in custody. Others would have varying sorts of notions about that particular subject.
So arising out of all of those, we tried to create recommendations, and we used two barometers for every single one of the recommendations. One, do we think it would sustain a charter test, knowing full well that would be required for every one of them? If the answer was, yes, we thought so—because we don't sit on the Supreme Court.... The other pillar was whether this was going to have an impact on an accused to mount a fair and vigorous defence. We're not in the business of making recommendations that would hurt somebody's right to a fair trial. We don't believe that's what public safety and victims' rights are about; they're not about taking away, they're about improving the system. So those were our two pillars.
Arising out of those consultations over the course of several months at those ten sites, we arrived at the 60 recommendations, 39 of which are federal in nature. These are available on our home page, at, and if anybody wants a hard copy, I'll be happy to mail them to you. If we do that, though, we won't be able to pay for Mr. Thompson's witness expenses. But they're there to be viewed, and I'm happy to talk to anybody about them afterwards or later.