All right. We'll see if we can dig that out to the extent that it might be relevant or useful.
I'd like to go to Mr. Brooks.
First of all, I have a two-part question. Could you respond generally to the perceived need to adjust the conditional sentencing accessibility at, let's say, the higher end of the more violent range of offences? There is a sense that perhaps some judges from time to time might move too quickly to a conditional sentence, based on all the local circumstances--all the factors that have been mentioned by Ms. Schurman and others--when in fact the denunciation component of sentencing might deserve a bit more attention. There seems to be a sense out there around the country that there could be an adjustment to remove that option in some classes of sentences, just as a general proposition.
Second, have you one or two suggestions, if any, as to how we might amend this bill to coincide more with the view that you've articulated?