I want to thank you, Professor Garant, Ms. Thomson and Mr. Leurer for being here today.
My first question is for Mr. Garant. You quoted several sections of the Constitution and, naturally, the Constitution makes reference to the Parliament of Canada, of which we are a part.
But you raised a doubt in my mind because the Commission that has been created could whittle away the powers of Parliament. And one of the privileges of members of Parliament is not to have their powers whittled away under any circumstances, and that is a privilege that the House of Commons, through its Speaker, is required to protect. The very reason why we have law clerks at the House of Commons is to ensure that the laws we pass do not remove any of those privileges.
But when I hear you speak, I really get the feeling that there is an attempt here to remove my right to decide, as a member of Parliament, for a number of reasons that do not require justification, to grant or reject a specific amount of compensation. My only master is the electorate.
But in this case, there is an attempt to impose another master, which is the Commission. And yet, if I understood your approach to this, I have no need to justify myself with such a commission. Naturally, it was created, but I do not need... If I have to justify what I do, that means I have lost certain rights at the House of Commons. It also means that at some point, the Commission will have too much power and could dictate to me, as a member of Parliament, how much money I should allocate. And when I go to the electorate, I will be defeated because of a commission that isn't even elected. I have a problem with that.
It's true that it may be a little late to be saying that now, but we have a bill before us. As Mr. Bagnell was saying, they cannot increase what we have put on the table, because otherwise it will not be passed by the House. So, I would like to ask you, because I was really non-plussed by what you said, whether you believe that this Commission seems to want to take powers away from me, as a member of Parliament.