True, it's not bad, but there is a considerable difference, when you see what some private practice lawyers at the top of the wage scale are earning. Furthermore, there is no requirement to perform only that job, meaning that you can engage in other activities, conduct research, and so on; but in order to earn $230,000 or $220,000 a year, I suppose a law professor would have to work seven days a week, 370 days a year. These are comparators about which people may have differing opinions, and when a government, for good reasons that have been considered by its officials, decides that it disagrees with these reports, well, I have to say that it doesn't shock me at all. And when a government that takes over from another one does not share the opinion of the previous government, I would say that it is perfectly normal.
So, I guess I could add a great many other things. But in terms of the quality of the justices serving on our superior courts, particularly at the trial level, the fact is there are many excellent judges there that do not come from the big law firms in Montreal or Quebec City; rather, they come from legal aid offices, the public service, and so on. So, I believe the net must be cast much wider than did the McLellan Commission.
Mr. Chairman, thank you for your patience. I will be available to answer your questions later.