Mr. Chairman, members of Parliament, and members of this important Committee, I have already sent you some thoughts, some of which relate to the constitutional background. I may be somewhat behind on this topic, but I could not help appearing before the Committee to say--and this is the first time I've been invited--what I think of the new process for determining judicial compensation, as regards the Constitution.
In the Government of Canada's current response, I see the accomplishment of a constitutional obligation on the part of the Parliament of Canada to assume its constitutional responsibilities. However, I also believe that it has every right to distance itself from the Commission's report, and I would like to explain what I mean by that.
Constitutionally speaking, the Supreme Court has said that priority must be given to the wording of the Constitution, and that wording, as you know appears in section 100 of the Constitution, even though, as the Supreme Court has stated on a number of occasions, there are some underlying constitutional principles that may involve obligations for both governments and Parliaments. However, the Supreme Court said, in the Bodner decision, and repeated in 2005, that these unwritten, underlying constitutional principles are not an invitation to completely disregard what is written in the Constitution. “On the contrary--as stated in paragraph 53--we confirmed that there are compelling reasons to insist upon the primacy of our written Constitution.” Indeed, our written Constitution provides, in section 100 of the Constitution Act, 1867, as you well know, that “the salaries, allowances and pensions of the judges of the superior, district and county courts... shall be fixed and provided by the Parliament of Canada.”
In terms of the historical background of this provision, we know that in 1867, the Fathers of Confederation wanted judicial compensation to be Parliament's responsibility, whereas the administration of justice was deemed to be a provincial responsibility under the Constitution, as you know. Section 100 does not provide for any consultation whatsoever, not even consultation with the provinces. Therefore, if the framers of the Constitution had wanted there to be consultations provided for under the Constitution, they would probably have said so.
As you know, only Parliament and the provincial legislatures can amend the Constitution, and particularly the wording of section 100. There is a process for amending the Constitution, which you are aware of, under sections 38 to 49 of the Constitution Act, 1982. However, I believe that by requiring Parliament to create an independent commission that must be consulted and whose recommendations are binding on Parliament itself, except where Parliament provides grounds for deviating from them, the Supreme Court made a structural amendment to the Constitution, thus usurping--forgive me for saying so--a constitutional power that does not belong to it. I see that as serious, in a constitutional system of government.
The Court, of course, described the importance of these unwritten constitutional principles, but does amending Parliament's sovereign power or the formal wording of the Constitution truly amount to filling the gaps in the Constitution, as the Supreme Court suggests? Because the Supreme Court says that these unwritten constitutional principles can in fact help to fill in the gaps in the Constitution. Yet the sovereignty of Parliament, and thus of its elected representatives, over public finances, which include taxation--no taxation without representation--and government expenditures, is absolutely fundamental, and has been the most deeply rooted principle in our constitutional tradition from King John's Magna Carta to the present.
At the same time, setting the compensation of the entire public sector is a highly political issue, as the Supreme Court has stated. It is difficult to depoliticize this decision, for which government and Parliament are responsible. The Parliament and the government must be accountable to the electorate.
So, what are these independent commissions that the Supreme Court has invented, and imposed on us, in the name of the democratic principle? The democratic principle is enshrined. It is one of the four fundamental principles in the Constitution, as the Supreme Court reminded us in the Reference re Secession of Quebec in 1998.
Are these commissions democratic in nature? What is their democratic legitimacy? Of course, you may say I am a rather late critic of the system, but the fact is that this does give food for thought and, indeed, prompts me to agree with the position taken by the government, which is distancing itself from the content of the report.
Among government and parliamentary responsibilities can be included not only those actually identified, and which the McLellan Commission considered, but also much broader responsibilities. The government has to appreciate not only economic conditions in Canada, but also the country's overall financial situation, the share of financial resources that should go to the various government programs and, I would add, the extremely important role of Parliament in redistributing wealth, within the meaning of section 36 of the Constitution Act 1982, with respect to the spending power. A significant portion of the federal budget must be used for provincial transfers to support essential public services, and that is a concern which the so-called independent commission is not required to consider. Yet these are government and parliamentary responsibilities and, in that respect, I believe that Parliament has a right to distance itself from the content of these commissions' reports.
This commission, as the Supreme Court reiterated in 2005, performs an advisory function. But an advisory function is not a decision-making function, as you know full well. Indeed, the Supreme Court ruled, in a 1992 decision, that a recommendation is merely a recommendation, not a decision, and that it does not strip the holder of decision-making power of the power. Furthermore, section 100 entrenches the decision-making power of Parliament, which is a unilateral power.
On that point, it is interesting--and I will just briefly touch on this--to compare section 100 with section 99. Section 99 concerns the process for removing or terminating judges, and 30 years ago, the Judges Act was amended to establish the Canadian Judicial Council and a disciplinary and ethics process, whereby quasi-judicial committees of inquiry of the Council may recommend that a judge be removed or terminated. The constitutionality of this mechanism was raised before one of those committees, the committee involved in the Gratton affair in 1994, and subsequently Justice Barry Strayer had to study the matter in Federal Court. It was considered that this process did not alter the Parliament of Canada's unilateral power to remove judges. In that respect, one may wonder on the basis of what logic, if Parliament does retain its sovereign power to write an “Address of the Senate and House of Commons“ to remove a judge, it would be bound by the report of an independent commission with respect to pay increases for judges?
In one case, we're dealing with financial security, one of the essential ingredients of constitutional independence and, in the other case, we're talking about security of tenure, which is as important a component, if not more so, of that financial independence.
Now, I would like to say a few words about what has been written over the last five or six years in rulings of both the Superior Court or the Court of Appeal, and in reports at both the provincial and federal levels. I have done a considerable amount of reading on the subject, which has prompted me to give this quite a bit of thought and conclude that the process that has been put in place is cumbersome, complex, and cannot easily meet the objectives that those who designed it had in mind.
Consider the fact that in Quebec, the 2001 report is still under consideration by the Superior Court, the Court of Appeal, etc. According to a 2004 report, there may yet be legal challenges. And then the process will begin all over again, with the Federal Court, the Supreme Court, and so on, in order to apply criteria that are not that simple. As for the test of simple rationality, I will spare you the explanation, because I have read things written by eminent justices of courts of appeal and superior courts that introduce all sorts of qualifications in that area.
What exactly is simple rationality when, with respect to the factual basis for the government's position, it is said that the government is providing rationale for its position? When you read these reports, it is clear that there can be respectful differences of opinion as to the choice of certain criteria or comparators. Some things seem to rely almost on a kind of mythology. Over the years, a certain number of concepts have been passed on. And I have to smile at times, for example, when I hear people suddenly make much--or otherwise--of the comparison between justices of superior courts and deputy ministers.
There are nine DM-3s in Canada and two DM-4s. There is no doubt that most of these DM-3s with legal training could easily become judges. There are some in the Supreme Court: the former associate deputy minister, and so on. But does it work in the reverse? I know a great many justices of the Superior Court and nothing on earth would ever prompt me to appoint them deputy minister of a major federal department. And many of them, when they see that they are supposed to have exceptional skills--or that, at least, is what it says in the reports--acknowledge that they are good judges, have a thorough knowledge of the law, are capable of moving litigation forward, and are human beings able to listen to what others have to say and write decisions, but they do not believe they have exceptional skills. And yet, this is what you see in the reports: in other words, judges must be exceptional, just as exceptional as our nine deputy ministers or our 11 deputy ministers who, naturally, have responsibilities of a completely different nature--and the reports actually state this--from those of a justice of the Superior Court. A deputy minister's responsibility is enormous: government programs, accountability, managing a large staff, and so on. I think that is one example of the myths that very often tend to be passed along.
In order to compare, we use standards of comparison applicable to lawyers in private practice working for large firms in large cities. As can be seen in the Commission's report, the compensation received by lawyers in the public sector is not considered. Let's compare that, for example--and this may be a bad example, because it's not particularly convincing--with the salary received by law professors.