I have a final question, and it's related to that.
The Minister of Justice essentially said yesterday that this task is Parliament's. He was correct in that. He was simply quoting the Constitution on this task of setting the remuneration, of dealing with the report. So I want to ask the following question.
In the event that Parliament, on the advice of this committee or any other committee, decided to enhance the remuneration beyond what is in the bill, would Parliament have a royal recommendation trump card by the very nature of the wording of the Constitution, where it says Parliament shall set the remuneration? Could the committee enhance the remuneration, claiming it didn't need a royal recommendation through the executive, that it simply had one constitutionally because the Constitution says Parliament shall set, and this committee would offer to the House a report that recommended an enhancement beyond that which is contained in the current government report, with a view to coming closer to the recommendations of the independent commission?