Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to our witnesses for being here today. I've appreciated hearing your testimony.
I took note of the suggestion regarding community impact statements. I think all of us, as members of Parliament, do hear from our communities when a significant crime takes place; I know I do. When something happens, when perhaps a number of people are victimized by violent crime or property theft, there is a definite impact on the community. But the community, and in many cases even the victims, are sometimes left out of the equation, so I did take note of that.
As well, a lot of the discussion has been on prevention and resources. All of that, I think we all agree, is very important. I certainly agree with that. We're providing funding for 2,500 new municipal police officers and 1,000 new personnel with the RCMP. That's part of the story, and it is government's responsibility. We certainly have taken it on to provide, at the front-end level, the enforcement. But this bill deals with what happens after someone has committed the offence.
We could all sit around and agree that we have to work with youth at risk, that we have to provide more police resources. I agree with those things. But when the conversation goes down that road, I think we might lose focus when it comes to the bill we have in front of us. The bill has very specific penalties for specific offences. I would categorize these as very serious offences, many of them, including some of the use offences with firearms.
I'd like to hear from the RCMP on this. We're hearing this argument that maybe there is no such thing as deterrence, that it doesn't matter what the penalty is, you're never going to deter anyone. Personally, I would categorically reject that argument. I know just from common sense, from things we hear from offenders, and from other testimony we've heard that there is a deterrent effect if you know you're going to get a slap on the wrist versus a more serious penalty.
Can you comment a bit on the use of gangs of young people to commit offences--i.e., property offences, break-and-enter, theft of an automobile--for the very reason that they know that the young offender will not face as serious a consequence as an older person will? Does that happen? And if so, is it partly because there's less of a deterrence?