It's progressively more serious sentencing, but each time the cycle of sentencing ends, they have to come out and re-victimize someone before they hit the next cycle, the next sentence.
So, yes, there will be a positive impact on crime because of the incapacitation, but if you're not dealing with the root causes of that behaviour, then you're going to have that person cycle through and continue to victimize the community when they're not in jail.
In terms of the crime rates, generally they are going down for a variety of reasons. Partly it's the fact that most crimes are committed by young men. The baby boomer years have seen those young men—the big spike and the parabola—move on into their 40s, 50s, and 60s. There's not the same number of young men available to commit crimes, so you're going to see a reduction.
As well, police across Canada—and you should be proud that we have a tremendously high calibre of police forces across the country—have been working with crime prevention programs and models for a number of years, and they are having some impact. There is a reduction in crime because of this.
I don't think it's a valid statement that people are fed up and just aren't reporting crimes. Crimes are being reported based on what is happening.