Thank you for asking the question. It's been a while since I worked in the community with the police, but I did volunteer with the police, and I at one time worked at the RCMP as well.
One of the initiatives that I think you may have been alluding to is focusing on those individuals who are seen as causing the greatest difficulty. I remember when I was working with the Calgary Police Service in particular, there was a group that had developed looking at youth participation. They estimated that of the young people who were then being jailed, they needed less than--I believe it was--5% of the beds that were then available to imprison young people. To actually achieve the results, they needed to move those individuals out; decarcerate the rest; and have community services and better support services in place for those young people. There may be some of that material left from the old SHOCAP, as it was called, the serious habitual offender comprehensive action program. You may want to look at some of that, out of Calgary. I think they were working in conjunction with other groups. As well, the National Crime Prevention Council did some research on this, building on the RAND study that was done in the United States, of a similar nature on the long-term costs of imprisonment over crime prevention and other supports.
I suggest you also look at some of the material we talk about in our brief, regarding the impact we're seeing of the cuts to those other areas, and the long-term impact we're seeing with people who have mental health issues ending up in the prisons. Not only are the issues you've raised coming up, but we're actually seeing people getting into the prison system and not being able to get out.
Someone who swears and yells because of a mental health condition may be seen as problematic in a prison setting, and so ends up being held in the most secure setting, often accumulating charges. We have people who come in on very short sentences and end up accumulating charges in the prison itself. A young aboriginal woman whom we're dealing with right now came in on a three-year sentence and is now serving 22½ years. That's not a risk to the public. There's nobody out in the community who would be concerned. But yes, there's been a risk to herself, to other prisoners, and to some of the staff she's working with. Yet almost everybody agrees that most of those individuals shouldn't be in there in the first place, and that they are there because of the cuts to all those other services.
I'd encourage you to look at some decarceration models of specific groups. Jerry Miller who was then--I can't remember if he was the minister now or deputy minister for juvenile corrections in the state of Massachusetts, but he basically decarcerated all the young men in that state when he was in charge of corrections. He wrote a book called Last One over the Wall. He was brought up here for a while to do some work on youth justice issues. What he said was that the piece that they didn't do right when they decarcerated those kids was to not actually have those resources flow with those kids into the community, because essentially the only kids who went back into the system were those who had no supports in the community to start with.