We broke down some of the root causes, but perhaps I can put it in perspective by making reference again to the crime reduction strategy. The police component of the crime reduction strategy in fact is hard-hitting enforcement of the law.
We identify victims, and we work with them so that they become more able to deal with their environment and minimize their victimization. We identify criminals, and that's where the partnership comes in, in working with Corrections Canada, and probation. We focus on the specific criminals, the prolific criminals who are committing most of the crimes. We focus on them until we catch them doing something else and put them back through the system.
We also focus on location. We identify high-risk locations, which could be as small as the front entrance of a mall, or an intersection, or a neighbourhood, and we focus there until we catch the bad guy and put him through the system. That's the hard line; that's the enforcement component, but that only cycles people through the system.
We also have to have a mechanism in place that will deal with the person at the root cause. I can give you a list of the root causes. The individual or family factors include early substance abuse; anti-social, hostile, or aggressive behaviour; social deprivation or isolation; family history of gang violence or involvement; parental neglect; issues with family structure; low academic achievement, dropout, or truancy; unemployment, under-employment, few employment prospects.
When we go to the socio-economic and community factors, we have social upheaval, poverty, income inequity, racism, and proliferation of gang culture.
There's another component as well, and that's the media. The media glorifies gang lifestyles and contributes to the adoption of linguistic codes and dress styles. You see it. It becomes popular. Your children may be wearing clothes that they see glorified in the community and in the media environment. All gang members are presented in some light, without recognizing diversity of membership, and there's a focus on violent actions of gang members. Quite frankly, the gang members in particular, who are young and often immature, revel in the focus they're getting from the media. So for all of those reasons, something has to be done at the fundamental level to deal with that.
The biggest innovation of the crime reduction strategy--and a lot of it we've done piecemeal for many years, and through a lot of partnerships we've worked together to do it--is a more focused comprehensive model. As I listed earlier, we have a lot of partners in the community who can help with the process. It has to be a committee at the community level to which the educators can direct problem children they identify before they've committed a crime and which can mitigate the circumstances of those children's environment.
If we don't intervene early, or we fail in our early intervention and things get to the courts because the child has committed an offence, now we're focusing on the location; we're focusing on the criminal; we're focusing on the victim. We get that person to court or we divert him. There has to be a structure to pick that up. What are we going to do with that--in some cases--14-year-old or 15-year-old, or that 25-year-old?
If we can start addressing some of the issues that put him in the environment in the first place--like poverty, like racism, like hopelessness--and if this committee can provide that, we're not going to catch everybody, we're not going to solve all the problems, but we may solve some of those. So we have them go through the process once and get them diverted back to an acceptable lifestyle, and we don't have to deal with them again.
That 3% who keep recycling and keep committing all the offences will continue to do that unless there's an intervention.