Okay. Pardon. Je m'excuse.
There are two major factors. I apologize if it's not clear enough in the brief from us. There is the Gladue decision that provided extra mechanisms that the Supreme Court of Canada said should be looked at and followed for aboriginal prisoners. Mandatory minimum sentences will not permit that. That's one.
Two, because of the changing demographics in this country, with increasing numbers of young aboriginal people--it's the population that is going up, particularly in the prairie provinces--to pick up on the submissions that were just made, the very important discussion of some of the precursors, such as the socio-economic status issues with people feeling disaffected, particularly young people having no ability to contribute and consider themselves part of the community, the existing racism, the ongoing issues that are plaguing many aboriginal communities in this country.... The Correctional Service of Canada has already estimated that those numbers of aboriginal young people in the system will continue to grow.
It used to be with youth justice over the past 15 or 20 years that when you entered the adult system your youth record didn't follow you. Now it does. We see that trajectory of young people progressing into the adult system much faster. It's not the 2% to 3% that Mr. Woods was talking about, but an overwhelming number of people who are there essentially for poverty-related offences.