Thank you for being here.
I'm speaking mostly to Mr. Rady, and anybody else can join in.
Right off the bat, I want to remind Mr. Rady that it's true that the extra police in New York created quite a reduction in crime, but behind that was the broken windows theory. There was a decision made by the authorities and legislators that if you break a window, you go to jail; if you put graffiti on the wall, you'll be picked up and go to jail. That required more policing, the two worked pretty well hand-in-hand, and it's a very safe place to be. We forget about the fact that there was a decision made in regard to what to do.
Regarding root causes, I'll tell you that we've had lots of discussions and we hear an awful lot about this. When I was first elected in 1993, I sat down with Allan Rock, and we hit it off pretty good for quite a while. We used to talk a lot about root causes.
Yes, I agree that the root causes need to be addressed. We used to make our lists. I was sitting here today after you made your presentation about root causes, and you talked about poverty. Then I remembered my grandfather telling me that the Roaring Twenties was an awful era for crime, and yet the Dirty Thirties really tamed down. If it was poverty, there was a whole lot less crime than during the Roaring Twenties. Whether that has any bearing on the conversation, I don't know.
Then we talked about Hollywood and violence in film and the WWF—my God, have you watched that ultimate fighting on TV lately? It's violent. In all of these things, maybe there's a cause.
We know that drugs exist. I've been told over and over again that the population in the penitentiaries would go way down had it not been for alcohol. Yet we've had decisions that our bars should be open seven days a week instead of only six, and that they should stay open until three or four in the morning instead of closing at eleven or twelve in the evening. All of these decisions are root causes.
Child pornography is rampant out there. It poisons a sick brain even further. It causes them to act out their fantasies, and drastic things happen. It's a root cause.
Yet every time you try to do something about it, you get different decisions in courts that affect that effort, such as the John Sharpe decision. It had quite an impact, and I honestly believe that we tried hard with the Liberals to do something about child pornography. That decision made it practically impossible to move on this.
Can you imagine what you are going to do about alcohol? Bring back prohibition? That doesn't work, we've been told one hundred million times. Always another root cause that's hard to deal with.
When you go through all the root causes...I can't for the life of me figure out one cause that justifies any human being picking up a gun to endanger, threaten, or hurt the life of a citizen in this country. I cannot find one root cause. Yet we put an emphasis on how we have to do deal with root causes.
Mr. Trudell mentioned that things are decided for political reasons, and I would suggest a lot of these are. All of us stood on the platform in January and we said we've got to do something about crime and these guns; we have to do this, and we're going to do so. Lo and behold, we've been elected, and we're here now trying to do something about it. Because I can't find any root or justified cause to pick up a gun and hurt people, we have to create some legislation to deal with those who choose to do so.
Thus comes Bill C-10—I have not heard any other solution that makes any more sense to me—because now we have legislation dealing with what I know is a root cause, which is the criminal. Lo and behold, criminals are really a big part of the root cause of crime.
Let's deal with them, which we have to do as legislators.
But to talk about it in terms of, “We'll have to deal with root causes”, my goodness, I could give you a whole list. We tried to do that. It doesn't work. We've tried to protect the victims when it comes to pornography, when it comes to the rights of expression, and when it comes to the freedom of being able to run a bar and put on TV what you want to and listen to hard rock music whenever you want. We know that's been a cause.
I think we're really barking up the wrong tree about that, because I just can't find anything that justifies picking up a gun and hurting people.