Mr. Lee, I believe a rational person would be deterred by two things: first of all, the likelihood of being caught; and when caught, suffering with real consequences for their actions. I think both of those things would deter a rational person.
I haven't seen sufficient evidence, and I don't think there has been sufficient study, to say with absolute certainty that everyone will be deterred, but I can tell you that when they're in jail, and when they don't have a gun and they're not walking around our neighbourhoods, nobody is getting shot by that individual.
It has also been my experience that we didn't lock up every bad guy in Malvern, in Galloway, or in Jamestown, but a lot of the other people who might have been predisposed to take up a gun, when all of their colleagues and friends were in custody, I think made different choices. That's my belief, and I think our neighbourhoods were made safer as a result.