I would think there is. I've been dealing with such people all of my adult life, and they're not fools. They make choices, real choices, and I think do so provided with the right information about the consequences of their action. We have to create an impression that we really mean it.
One of the things we did this year.... Let me give you an example of deterrence. Every year we have a Caribana Festival in Toronto. Historically, in the downtown core on that weekend we have experienced significant violence. Last year, in 2005, we put close to 600 police officers in the downtown core, but it was not well publicized. We had 22 violent events that weekend, and one person was killed. The person who was killed was killed within a proximity of about 30 feet of 50 police officers. The guy just took out his gun and shot another guy to death right in front of the police, and he was apprehended within seconds. I'm not sure that individual could ever be deterred. He was mad.
But this year we took a different approach. We publicized very extensively that we would be there in vast numbers, precisely the same numbers as the year before. We put up video cameras in that location and we put up signs everywhere saying there were video cameras in those locations. We weren't sneaking up on anybody; we let them know that the likelihood of getting caught was significantly increased, and that there were a lot of police officers there, and that we would be enforcing the laws vigorously in that location.
We had that event this year. Whereas in 2005 there were 22 violent events, in 2006 there were none.