We proposed these new offences and they received the support of former Justice Minister Cotler and Prime Minister Martin, and they were embodied in Bill C-82 and they're embodied in this bill. The reason why we brought them forward, as you probably have heard, is that there's a mix of sources for the illegal gun trade. It's smuggling, it's breaking and entering, stealing, robbery of domestic guns. Often, the illegal guns begin as legal guns in somebody's home and then they're stolen.
What precisely the statistics are...at one point the Coalition for Gun Control had the numbers out at about 50-50. In any event, whether it's 50-50 or 60-40, the point is that we must choke off the supply of illegal guns into the gun trade. One way of doing that is at the border. Another way of doing that is to ensure that there are sentences in the Criminal Code to match a pattern of behaviour that is increasingly taking place. In Ontario, increasingly our prosecutors were facing facts and evidence that suggested an increasing number of people were having guns enter into the illegal gun trade by way of breaking and enter for the purpose of stealing firearms and by way of robbery involving a firearm.