Yes, very briefly, the most excessive example we have had of mandatory sentencing has been at the federal level in the U.S., where you had rules that would direct a judge, if you had a quantity of crack cocaine, for instance, to multiply that quantity by a factor of 100 and then impose a mandatory sentence. So we've had many examples of a judge saying, I have to sentence you to this amount of time in jail, although I believe, and I declare it publicly, that I think the sentence is unfair. Eventually the whole system was thrown out by the Supreme Court.
There is something that I find disquieting in this project. At some point, depending on whether you're using a shotgun or a handgun, you have a different minimum. This is not as excessive as crack cocaine and powder cocaine, but still, it's difficult to comprehend. I mean, a shotgun is at times more lethal than a handgun.