I would agree with Mr. King. In looking at the issue of how we address crime in Canada and anywhere else, it must come from a realization that the criminal justice system isn't necessarily the system that's going to be appropriate for dealing with the situation we're facing right now. As Mr. King said, it is a catchment for people who fall through the cracks. From the perspective of our community, and certainly from what leaders in our community have said, it does start from making sure there are appropriate programs in place; making sure there are programs for at-risk youth; making sure there are social services available; making sure that education, health care, and all of these other issues are dealt with. By doing that, you increase people's opportunities to live successfully within society. That certainly makes a big difference in whether or not they find themselves enmeshed in the criminal justice system.
It's not something that can be dealt with necessarily in one minute, and it certainly can't be addressed in the sound bite of mandatory minimums. But we do have to look behind some of those things, look to other areas that the government does have control over, and put the resources where they need to be so that we can address them more effectively.